Do not be afraid to get creative and experiment with your marketing.
—Mike Volpe
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TBM Studios
Taste the thunder
While capturing the thunder of Pepsi TheBoredMonkey had one prominent idea. The first sip introduces us to soda particles. The tiny drops of water are touching the can of Pepsi. Once touched the freshness will wake you up like a splash of icy chilled water. Using the splash water effect was connected to the idea of instant freshness.
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TheBoredMonkey team researches and then presents the product accordingly. The color of the background matches the can from top to bottom. If you look closely the color on the top of the can is dark red and so is the background. While coming down the color gets darker with the tint of brown and, so does the picture background.
While capturing Raw TheBoredMonkey used raw fruit to reflect the raw taste & freshness of the juice. The background is light orange to make the product and props more fascinating and relatable.

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TheBoredMonkey wanted to reflect the statement of asking for more in this product photography. The beer is blue and is needed to match the background of the setup. The idea of going blue and not green was to enhance the feel of the beer. Once you try it, it will surely become part of you.
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